to romania, with love
Sharing Gospel hope, Christ’s love, & Occupational Therapy with individuals with developmental delays in Romania, for the glory of God
Will You Please Pray?

Thank you so much for your prayers! Our Heavenly Father hears our prayers and acts.
Matthew 7:7-9
Multumesc (thank you)!
Prayer Requests
God's Will and Glory
Please pray that God's will be done and that He receives all of the glory for the work that is done in the lives of the children, families, and individuals. Thank you for your prayers that we would be dependent on and trust God to provide all that we need as we minister. Please pray that God puts Romania on many hearts and that they are compelled to join us in sharing the Gospel with and serving them.
The Gospel
Please pray that hearts in Romania would be open to the Gospel. Romania has a predominantly Eastern Orthodox culture, which is works-based, without a dependence on the saving grace of Jesus and the need for repentance.
Please pray that God continues to lead and guide me as I seek him regarding the work that he has for me to do here. As opportunities arise, thank you for praying that God will give me discernment to know which to say yes to and no to. Please pray for frequent opportunities and clear plans for sharing the Gospel with those that I am serving. As the ministry is growing, please pray for the provision of resources, energy, and focus and for wisdom to handle administrative needs effectively.
Healing & Development
Please pray that God uses the interventions that he has given me as an Occupational Therapist and the encouragement from the Word of God to bring healing and improved emotional, relational, academic, and physical development, and greater independence in the lives of those that I work with. Thank you for praying for God's wisdom, guidance, love, peace, and patience for the parents as they parent.
Please pray for the financial needs of the ministry, including provision for monthly personal costs and monthly rent of an office space in Brasov (see Donate page). Thank you for praying for opportunities to share what God is doing in Romania and that hearts would be stirred to give while I am in the US on sabbatical. May God provide all that is needed so that I may, in his will, return to Romania in mid-January.
Providenta Church
Thank you for your prayers for the pastor-elders at Providenta Church. Praise God for the support that they have been to me, and pray that God continues to equip and fill them to fulfill the ministry that he has given them to our church. Please pray for their evangelization efforts in Brasov and Zizin and for the church plants in Zizin, Sinaia, and Rasnov. As I meet and spend time with the young girls at the church, thank you for your prayers that God will help me to always point them back to Christ's finished work in their lives and disciple them well with wisdom from the Word.
Updated on 11/11/2024