to romania, with love
Sharing Gospel hope, Christ’s love, & Occupational Therapy with individuals with developmental delays in Romania, for the glory of God

My name is Tiffany Clark, and since 2006, I have had the privilege of working as a pediatric Occupational Therapist with children with Autism, Down's Syndrome, Sensory Processing Disorder, Motor Delays, Learning Disabilities, and Self-Regulation Challenges in a variety of settings, including Sensory Integration clinics, public and private schools, U.S. and African therapy camps, and a non-profit therapy center in Romania. Throughout the years, I have become certified in ConTiGo nature-based therapy, providing Sensory Integration therapy through the USC/WPS Sensory Integration Certification Program, teaching Loving Touch Infant Massage to parents and caregivers, and in Basic DIR/Floortime treatment. In addition, I have received training in the theory and use of Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration (MNRI), Interactive Metronome, Trust-Based Relational Intervention, Integrated Listening Systems' Focus Program and Safe and Sound Program, Rhythmic Movement Training, vision rehabilitation, and brain-based postural control and sensory integration development.
First and foremost though, I am a Christian, born again and saved by trusting in Jesus' death on the cross to pay for my sins and to give me his righteousness. Christ's immense love for me compels me to follow Him wherever He leads and to make Him Lord of my life. In 2006, God laid it on my heart to use the gifts and skills that He has given me to help bring healing, Christ's love, and the Gospel to hurting and struggling children in Romania, and I am thrilled that He provided the opportunity for me to move to Romania in March 2023!

At this time, God has opened doors for me to work with families in need of Occupational Therapy for their adoptive and biological children who are struggling with behavioral challenges, attention difficulties, sensory processing differences, physical disability, and learning delays. Together, we engage in specific exercises, therapeutic play, and building connection through relationship to promote brain development for improved function in their daily lives. Currently, we meet in the families' homes for therapy.
My caseload is growing steadily though, and I will soon need a designated office and therapy room where I can meet with families and individuals. God has provided a potential location for this office in a building with other Christian ministries in Brasov, and I am praying for the funding of approximately $550 monthly to start renting the space at the beginning of 2025. Please, will you pray with me for the provision of these funds and about making a monthly donation so that the children can have a safe place to heal, be pointed to Christ, and experience tangible expressions of God's love?
It is a wonderful blessing to be able to point the families that I work with to the sacrificial love of Christ and to how Father God parents us with love and compassion in addition to reminding them of our need for and the hope of Christ's forgiveness for those who believe. I pray for more opportunities in the future to highlight the beauty of the Gospel in therapy sessions with believers and non-believers alike and would love to have you to pray with me that the hearts of individuals and families would be softened and opened to believing the Good News found in Christ's death and resurrection and that lives would be changed in ways that only God can do.
In addition to Occupational Therapy ministry, God also has involved me in supporting my local church, Providenta Church through the discipling of younger ladies, going through a baptism catechism with a young lady, and teaching some children's Sunday School classes, in addition to supporting church members in need of Occupational Therapy. There have also been outreach opportunities at the church plant in a nearby village, Zizin, in which I have been able to participate. I am so blessed for the gift of being part of this wonderful family of God and to serve God by serving them, as they also minister to me.